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The idea started with a phrase

“You are what you eat”

which reminds us to always consume what's good for our health.


Malang apples, avocados, Ambon bananas, and Indramayu mangoes were chosen not only because of their bright colors, but also native Indonesian fruits with high nutritional benefits.
Brighten up your day with our Avo bag!

Also, who said that we can't be stylish but also fun? Combine it with a knee-length dress and matching ballerina shoes..

And you are good to slay the day! 

Monslay, Tueslay, Wedneslay, Thurslay, Frislay, Saturslay, and Sunslay❤️❤️❤️



- Long strap is not included. Kindly select the long strap product as well.

- Length 33 cm, height 26 cm, wide 12 cm.

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